
March 24, 2011 | French

A Second Day of French Homeschool

In which my husband and I keep speaking French, or a version of it anyway.

So, Brandt and I made it through a second day of speaking French together. And we spoke a lot.

Mexican Raspberries with French Subtext?

Mexican Raspberries with French Subtext?

French even showed up in my food. For breakfast, I ate raspberries with yoghurt. I was amazed to see that, although the raspberries were identified on the package as a product of Mexico, the text was in English and French. Framboises? Produit du Mexique? Mais pourquoi?

A friend of ours, Julian, came over for a while this morning and added his rusty French to the mix. He joked that this (i.e., speaking French to each other) was a great idea, as long as it didn’t cause us to split up by the end of the week.

I am realizing that one of the reasons Brandt and I understand each other so well, despite the current not-too-hot state of our French skills, is that when we don’t know a word, we make it up, and when we make it up, it tends to come from English, and, therefore, we both tend to understand it.

Would You Speak French to This Man?

Would You Speak French to This Man?

For example, here are two sentences that were spoken today, and that one could possibly consider cheating:

  • Il faut stretcher, for “I need to stretch.”
  • Je devrais flosser, for “I should floss.”

I’m looking up a lot of stuff, but there isn’t always time or opportunity mid-conversation to check a dictionary.

I confess, at one point late tonight I begged Brandt to switch to English, but he denied me. He is tough.

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