February 20, 2011 | Japanese
Day 600
I can't believe I am still doing this!
Today was the 600th day of this language project. In 600 days, I have never spent less than half an hour studying whatever foreign language I was working on, and on the overwhelming majority of days I have studied two hours or more—often significantly more, in fact.
Me on Day 600, with Morning Coffee at Local Café
How the hell did this happen?
In the first moments I thought of this project, I was thinking ten months. It almost immediately became a year, then pretty soon two years, then not long ago three years. And honestly, I spend a lot of time thinking about ways to expand it.
I had no idea I was capable of waking up every morning and continuing to want to do more of this.
But I do. So I keep going.
Someone said to me the other day, “What you are doing would be torture for me.” One man’s torture is another’s pleasure, I suppose.
Some ways I would not want to spend my days: karaoke, video games, watching football on TV. And a whole bunch of other things.
I can say with 100 percent certainty, however, that this project is the opposite of suffering for me. Yeah, I get crabby when I can’t remember a word after twenty tries—but that is a trivial and evanescent sensation.
Learning new vocabulary, and conjugations, and declensions just happens to be my idea of a good time. I cannot help it.
Comments (2)
Abracadabrante • Posted on Tue, February 22, 2011 - 6:50 pm EST
I feel the same way—I’m learning French and spend many hours each day working on it, but I love it. I use a blog to make notes for myself and to practise writing in French. Looking forward to your French section in March! You have some good ideas for learning.
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Ellen Jovin • Posted on Tue, February 22, 2011 - 11:58 pm EST
Merci beaucoup! :)