December 10, 2016 | Review Period
Done with Pimsleur Ukrainian, Now on Turkish
More pimsleurcising!
I am struck by how much easier Pimsleur Ukrainian was for me than Russian and Polish. I did blobs of lessons at a time instead of having to redo lessons before proceeding.
The things that seemed grammatically craziest about Slavic languages in previous encounters are now familiar. A lot of words sound similar. What a kick. Didn’t see that coming!
The Central Park Reservoir
Parade of Portosans
Turkish, however, is harder for me than I expected, and I am back to repeating lessons instead of galloping along four at a time. There are 30 half-hour Pimsleur lessons available for Turkish, just as for Ukrainian, so it will take me more than a few days.
Yesterday I saw four red-tailed hawks while pimsleurcising in Central Park. Gorgeous.
The park is also full of tufted titmice this winter. If you’ve never seen one, take a look here. They are adorable. I’ve been trying to take a picture, but they are tiny and my iPhone is not up to the task, at least not my iPhone in my hands. They have the most earnest little faces and encourage me.
As an added perquisite today, I had an encounter with something I’d never seen before: a delivery of Portosans for a road race. They were odoriferous.
Still, I feel very cheery communing with nature and with grammar.
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