
March 25, 2012 | Dutch

Germanic Languages Can Be Fun!

Studying an unfamiliar language so closely related to English is both bizarre and amazing.

As I study along, I keep noting one amazing thing after another about Dutch, a language Americans are rarely exposed to, but one that has so many things in common with ours. With German the situation is different. It, too,…

March 31, 2012 | Dutch

Dutch Regrets

It pains me to do this, but I think I will have to close the (grammar) book on Dutch for now.

Here’s the thing: I have started this new volunteer gig at one of NYC & Company’s Official NYC Information Centers, as I have mentioned, where one of my primary goals is to practice my language skills with…

April 22, 2012 | Dutch

Language Update Alert!

I have been silent...but I am definitely studying.

Dearest Readers, I know I am some weeks behind on this blog. I have received questions about that matter, inquiring about my health and well-being and continuing commitment. My health and well-being and continuing commitment are all intact. I truly…

May 22, 2012 | Dutch

Dutch Footprints

I check out a new Dutch New York guidebook.

The Museum of the City of New York published a new guidebook not long ago, entitled Exploring Historic Dutch New York. It covers the region, not just New York City, and is a nice addition to my collection…