I woke up too early, again. I tried Pimsleur lesson 17 (Level I), but was doing so horribly that I stopped after less than 10 minutes. I decided to save it for later, for a walk, to see if the exercise would…
It is March! I can’t believe it. This is so exciting. I woke up a little after 5:00 and promptly got to work on Pimsleur. As I went through my lesson, I watched the sun rise, and felt glad to…
I was supposed to run a race today in the Bronx, but didn’t because I have been sick all week. I am coughing and my chest hurts. So, instead of racing, I ran a loop of Central Park, very…
I have now finished teaching my third day of writing workshops for my client in Indianapolis. I discovered yesterday that a number of the employees there speak, or at least are familiar with, Korean. It’s not too surprising, I…
Tonight is my last night in Indianapolis. During one of my phone conversations with Brandt this evening, I told him in Korean, De-il chonyogay diogero toraga gesaio. I’m 90 percent sure I succeeded in saying to him, “Tomorrow night I…
This was my last day in Indianapolis. I finished teaching my final writing class of the week at 3 p.m., at which point I went downstairs to wait for the Carey Limousine car that would be taking me to the…
Today I finished Level I of Korean Pimsleur. It took me 42 days, the longest by far it has taken me to get through a single level of Pimsleur. Following on the heels of Italian, where I finished all three levels…
Time continues to flow strangely backwards. Yesterday I ran more than 12 miles (to test my legs for the NYC Half-Marathon next weekend); it is a distance I have run many times in my life, but probably not for more than…
I have been spending a lot of time on Pimsleur (Level II) over the past few days, and my progress is painfully slow. I had to do lesson 1 four times, lesson 2 four times, and lesson 3 three times before I did…
This morning I left a voicemail message for Penton Overseas, makers of VocabuLearn (and “The Global Language Specialists,” according to the back of the VocabuLearn packaging). I wanted to see if I could get on their mailing list for product…
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