
March 25, 2010 | Korean

I’m Running the New York City Marathon. Maybe.

I get sucked back into the giant marathon machine.

Today I was officially admitted to the ranks of New York City Marathon registrants for 2010. I got the good news shortly after my morning run. There had over the past few days been a bit of a snafu involving whether…

March 26, 2010 | Korean

Korean Pimsleur: Status Report

I am falling further and further behind.

Things are continuing to look pretty grim for my goal of finishing all 60 available Pimsleur Korean lessons by April 1. I tried hard today, but I guess Korean tried harder. Part of my problem is that I kept falling asleep during…

March 27, 2010 | Korean

I Barely Left the Apartment

In which I complete four Pimsleur lessons, yet do not lose my mind.

Today was an all-Pimsleur kind of day: Level II lessons 17, 18, 19, and 20, with two repeats per lesson. I now have 10 lessons left for the four remaining days of March.  I didn’t leave the apartment today, except to get a…

March 28, 2010 | Korean

Four Miles, Three Pimsleur Lessons, No Nap

I run a race and then study. A lot.

Today was another marathon Pimsleur day. I finished three more Level II lessons, 21 through 23. I am pretty wiped out. Seven Pimsleur lessons in two days is a lot of Pimsleur. Especially Korean Pimsleur! I am getting through these lessons by…

March 30, 2010 | Korean

Korean Pimsleur: Finished!

A day-long downpour keeps me inside and focused on my Korean cram session.

It is 4:11 p.m. as I write these words, and I have shocked myself by finishing Korean Pimsleur a day and a half early.  Yep, lessons 24 and 25 yesterday, twice each, and then a marathon Pimsleur session today, starting at 7…

March 31, 2010 | Korean

Goodbye to Korean, for Now

I visit a Korean enclave in Bedford Park, the Bronx.

Today, on the last day of Korean, I took a field trip to the Bronx neighborhood of Bedford Park. I had read that there was a strip of Korean stores and restaurants on 204th Street between the Grand Concourse and…

April 1, 2010 | Spanish

Spanish Status Report: Day 1

I love Spanish.

I would like to say that the first day of Spanish was one of unadulterated pleasure, but I think my brain is in shock over the sudden switch from Korean. It was fun, but it is quite a difference. Any…

April 2, 2010 | Spanish

Sunshine and Studying

I feel like being outside.

This was a phenomenally beautiful day in New York City. It was the kind of day that makes me feel as though all I should do all day long is walk around Central Park and enjoy the sunshine, but since…

April 4, 2010 | Spanish

Spanish Harlem

I take a field trip to East 116th Street.

I have a cold, again. That often happens to me when I run a lot. Yesterday, before I realized it was coming on, I made a quick trip to Spanish Harlem, where I took pictures along East 116th Street as…

April 6, 2010 | Spanish

Repairing My Spanish

I have been saying things wrong in Spanish for years.

It has been beautiful and hot weather in New York, great for walks and runs, and also for repeat trips to the Upper West Side Apple store to visit the iPads and other nifty equipment. Brandt and I are contemplating…