Although the three Pimsleur language series I have worked on to date have different content, many of the words and phrases I am learning are the same. The effect, I think, is that one language pushes the previous one out…
All I want to do all day long is study Italian, but life intrudes. I did manage, however, to begin my morning with a big dose of Italian studies accompanied by a big dose of coffee at Café Margot. Over…
Because I am doing so much written work as part of my Italian studies, I can figure out the grammatical patterns of what I am listening to in Pimsleur much more easily than I could with Arabic or Russian. With…
I got a reasonable night’s sleep last night. What a relief. Being totally obsessive about this Italian stuff is exhausting. Today when I woke up, I started in on Part 3 of Italian Now! This section promises to teach me…
I am feeling really run down. When I woke up, I did some of the Italian Now! book, then tried running, but turned around after a few steps. I was just too tired. That’s okay; I’d already done…
In recent days, I have tried several times to download Pimsleur lessons, as I have done successfully multiple times before, in the form of eAudiobooks through the New York Public Library’s connection to NetLibrary. I couldn’t get the…
I woke up and began my day with one of my favorite activities: grammar exercises. (That sentence is not sarcastic in any way.) I did verb conjugations, this time not only indicative but also imperative. Good times. I am getting…
Today was an extremely productive day. Here’s what I accomplished language-wise: a bunch of grammar in the Italian Now! book some VocabuLearn on a 10-mile run verb-related work in the afternoon in a second grammar book. I studied present,…
I was tired today, but managed to be productive anyway. I did eight Pimsleur lessons and some VocabuLearn, worked on Italian verbs, ran errands, and cooked a chicken. I also tried to find organizations where I could volunteer while learning…
I woke up at 7 a.m. today. Since beginning Italian on November 1, I haven’t slept a full seven hours—my usual minimum requirement for well-being—more than a couple of times. I just keep waking up early. Weirdly, most…
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