
Histoire de New York

5 French, General, Books

March 10, 2013

Author  François Weil
Publisher  Fayard
Publication Date  2005
Price  Varies, but around $42.50-$55.00
Skill Level  Advanced

This may have been the first non-fiction book I ever read in French. I loved it. Of course I am partial to histories of New York, though the ones I own are otherwise in English.

It is amusing to read in French about things like the birth of Columbia University, Shearman & Sterling, Fraunces Tavern, and Macy’s. If you would like to enhance your knowledge of French and New York City at the same time, I recommend it!

I bought my copy at Rizzoli Bookstore at 31 West 57th Street.

New York, en Français
New York, en Français

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