
Japanese Language Meetup Groups

Japanese, Classes/Conversation, Social

March 10, 2013

Skill Level  Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

In early 2013, a quick search for Japanese Language Meetup groups in New York City yielded 38 results. In other words, there is no shortage of Japanese Meetup opportunities here, from language-focused events to play groups to cultural gatherings.

Type in your zip code on the far right of this page to check for groups near you. Just as one non-New York example, Washington, D.C., had 12 related groups when I last looked.

No matter where you are, though, be aware that the range of interests for Meetups will vary. In D.C., for instance, I think there is a reasonable chance that the group devoted to Asian dining has less Japanese language stuff going on than, say, the Metropolitan Japanese + English Language Community.

Japanese Meetups Around NYC, Early 2013
Japanese Meetups Around NYC, Early 2013

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