

Hindi, Websites, Kids

March 10, 2013

Price  Free
Skill Level  Beginner

The LanguageReef website offers resources to help Indian emigrants teach their children the alphabets and scripts of Hindi and other Indian languages. Its home page begins quite movingly:

You are out of your country. You want to teach your children your language. But in the internet there are very few websites solely catering to your needs. LanguageReef is a place, where you find resources to teach your children. LanguageReef mainly caters to the needs of the Indian people who have migrated out of their motherland and are scattered all over the world. LanguageReef also caters to people in India who have migrated to different states in India.

At no charge, the LanguageReef site offers picture dictionaries, alphabet charts, podcasts, games, and more. Besides Hindi, languages currently include Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Konkani, Marathi, Malayalam, Manipuri/Meetei Mayek, Nepali, Oriya, Punjabi, Tamil, and Telugu.

Next up for LanguageReef: Urdu!

The Hindi Section of LanguageReef
The Hindi Section of LanguageReef

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