SparkNotes Italian Grammar Study Cards
Italian, Flashcards
March 10, 2013
Series SparkNotes Study Cards
Publisher Spark Publishing
Publication Date 2006
Price Varies, because out of print
Skill Level Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Guess what! Since I began writing this review, I have learned that these are now out of print. They are, or were, a box of 600 flashcards focusing on grammar rather than the usual vocabulary. I believe I bought them by accident back in 2009 when I was first studying Italian, thinking that they were vocabulary cards.
I hated them instantly at the time, because my attitude was, grammar should be presented systematically and not fragmented into stupid little bite-sized bits of knowledge on small cards. Buy a book, I thought!
As it turned out, though, they were not half bad. Here is a sample question. “Conjugate avere (to have) in the present subjunctive for voi.”
Nonetheless, I still don’t think grammar is meant to be taught on flashcards, and it’s kind of a moot point anyway, since it is getting increasingly difficult to find these grammar cards. At this moment, for example, I can’t find them new online for close to their original $9.95 list price, though they are available used at for $13.99 and new there for $32.50.
Don’t waste $32.50 on them. Buy a book instead.
By the way, the correct answer to the question above is abbiate.