August 29, 2009 | Russian
Russian Pimsleur: Done
My vacation, my Russian grammar book, and my Russian Pimsleur lessons have all come to an end.
Vacation is over. And so is the Russian grammar book, which I have just finished. I have now also done Pimsleur lesson 30 (Level III) three times. I did okay the last time around, though not as well as I would have liked for my Pimsleur finale.
The concluding dialogue of lesson 30 ended rather suggestively, I thought. An American woman is speaking to a Russian man. She has been working with him, but is about to return to the United States. He tells her he has really enjoyed working with her. She tells him the same thing. Then he tells her he’d like to see her off! That seemed kind of strange.
After that exchange, I think her husband started to figure more prominently in the conversation.
When I was just beginning Level I of Pimsleur, Level III seemed so advanced. It reminded me of how I felt about second graders when I was a kindergartener. They were so big! So knowledgeable! So grown up! I thought I’d never be as big as the second graders. And look at me now.
I am a proud graduate of Pimsleur Level III.
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