
Pimsleur Brazilian Portuguese

5 Portuguese, Audio Lessons

March 10, 2013

Series  Pimsleur
Publisher  Simon & Schuster
Publication Date  1998
Price  $335.00 for all 90 lessons; $119.95 for 30 lessons
Skill Level  Beginner, Intermediate

I loved Pimsleur Brazilian Portuguese. A Pimsleur lesson is a roughly 30-minute, highly interactive audio experience focusing on the development of oral skills, and there are a total of 90 lessons for Portuguese. 

The pacing is good. I mention this because sometimes for other, harder languages, Pimsleur lessons can go a little too fast and be a little frustrating. 

Even so, a warning: Pimsleur Brazilian Portuguese is not for the linguistically faint of heart. If you are not someone who learns new languages for breakfast, then you will need to be patient and strong. Don’t be afraid to redo lessons; I do that with Pimsleur products all the time.

Before buying anything, you can try a free sample Portuguese lesson off the Pimsleur website and see whether it is your language-learning cup of tea.

Pimsleur Portuguese: Great for Developing Speaking Skills
Pimsleur Portuguese: Great for Developing Speaking Skills

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