
February 10, 2010 | Korean


A snow day shuts down schools, except at our place, where I keep studying.

It is a true snow day in New York City! City schools are closed, and parents everywhere are despondent and/or desperate. I am doing Pimsleur and watching the snow fall outside our living room windows. Currently I am on…

February 12, 2010 | Korean

Pimsleur and Running: Incompatible?

There are only so many things you can do well at the same time you are running.

When I woke up today, I went for a 9-mile run in Central Park, doing two Pimsleur lessons while I was out there. It has been a long time since I have run with Pimsleur. It sucked. The only reason…

February 18, 2010 | Korean

Korean Pimsleur Is Very Hard

I am not progressing as fast as I'd like.

I am not doing so well with Pimsleur. In order to finish all 60 Pimsleur lessons for Korean, I need to be doing a lesson a day. I am only on lesson 14, and each one is taking me a long time,…

February 19, 2010 | Korean

Counting in Korean

There appear to be two sets of numbers in Korean. Crap.

I am finding Pimsleur lesson 15 (Level I) absolutely impossible! It is one of those Pimsleur lessons I feel as though I will never, ever get. Ever. What is causing me the most trouble is the Korean numbers. Even though I…

February 22, 2010 | Korean

Pimsleur Lesson 15: Conquered!

It took me many tries, but I have finally reached Lesson 16.

I think I have commented on this before, but since beginning this language project, I seem to need less and less sleep. I don’t know why, but whatever the reason, it is great. Less sleep means more hours to…

February 27, 2010 | Korean

Snow Bombs and Pimsleur in the Park

Dr. P. and I enjoy a wintry stroll in Central Park.

I woke up too early, again. I tried Pimsleur lesson 17 (Level I), but was doing so horribly that I stopped after less than 10 minutes. I decided to save it for later, for a walk, to see if the exercise would…

March 1, 2010 | Korean

My Husband Goes Thirsty

In which I struggle to explain what my spouse wants to drink.

It is March! I can’t believe it. This is so exciting. I woke up a little after 5:00 and promptly got to work on Pimsleur. As I went through my lesson, I watched the sun rise, and felt glad to…

March 7, 2010 | Korean

Particles and Plurals

Korean grammar continues to mystify me, but maybe a little less.

I was supposed to run a race today in the Bronx, but didn’t because I have been sick all week. I am coughing and my chest hurts. So, instead of racing, I ran a loop of Central Park, very…

March 10, 2010 | Korean

Korean in Indianapolis!

I keep studying in Indiana.

I have now finished teaching my third day of writing workshops for my client in Indianapolis. I discovered yesterday that a number of the employees there speak, or at least are familiar with, Korean. It’s not too surprising, I…

March 11, 2010 | Korean

An Original Thought in Korean

I come up with my own sentence (i.e., non-Pimsleur-prompted) in Korean.

Tonight is my last night in Indianapolis. During one of my phone conversations with Brandt this evening, I told him in Korean, De-il chonyogay diogero toraga gesaio. I’m 90 percent sure I succeeded in saying to him, “Tomorrow night I…