This morning I woke up—way too early—from a nightmare that a massive and sinister lunar force was dragging everyone in Manhattan to New Jersey. Vehicles of all types were being sucked across bridges and tunnels to the other…
I did a bunch of grammar exercises on pronouns and prepositions today. I did them in the morning. I did them in the afternoon at Café Margot. I did them in the evening, with the TV on in the background. …
More Italian grammar today. I need to review verbs tomorrow so I can do well on my Italian exit exam, scheduled for Monday with ALTA Language Services! I begin my next language, Korean, in two days, so this afternoon I…
Shortly after midnight tonight, I finished my Italian studies. I did hours of review today—at home, at Café Margot, and then at home again, with particular attention to the various verb tenses. The last two weeks have in some…
Today was my official goodbye to Italian—for now. Though I think I will be spending more time with it in the future. Technically I said goodbye yesterday, but since yesterday was not a business day, I had to wait…
I am having trouble “graduating” from the beginning Pimsleur lessons. I did lesson 1 for the third time in three days and decided I can finally move on. Then I did lesson 2. I did not do well enough to move on.…
I got the results of my Italian exams today, oral as well as written. I was amazed that the scores were as high as they were: 10 on my oral exam out of a possible 12, and 11 out of a possible 12 on…
Today I had an appointment with my internist. I walked there through Central Park, past the reservoir, and past lots and lots of ducks. When I arrived at my doctor’s office, I was blown away by a sign in…
Today I was talking to my husband when I mixed up words (in English) that I would not be comfortable reprinting here. Brandt said to me: “Talking to you is like talking to a non-native speaker of English. Non-stop…
Today the two main venues for my Korean studies were (1) Café Margot, where I practiced my writing skills, and (2) Central Park, where I went for a walk as I did lessons 7, 8, 9, and 10 of Pimsleur (Level I). As usual, I did …
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