
Pimsleur Japanese

5 Japanese, Audio Lessons

March 10, 2013

Series  Pimsleur
Publisher  Simon & Schuster
Publication Date  2002
Price  $335 for all 90 lessons; $119.95 for 30 lessons
Skill Level  Beginner, Intermediate

A Pimsleur lesson is a highly interactive audio experience, roughly 30 minutes long, in which you are repeatedly prompted to say things in your target language. It is challenging but effective—more effective than any other self-help language-learning product I have tried to date.

There are a total of 90 Pimsleur Japanese lessons, which can be bought in quantities as small as a single lesson through iTunes, though you will get better pricing if you buy a bunch as part of a larger package, either there or through the Pimsleur website.

A caveat: Pimsleur is difficult, especially for a challenging language such as Japanese. Be brave.

When I was doing Pimsleur Italian lessons, I could roam around and multitask. With Pimsleur Japanese lessons, I did better if I lay still with my eyes closed and concentrated like hell.

I would not do Pimsleur in isolation, without the benefit of other learning tools. I am a visual learner, and I need visual information or I get frustrated and confused. If you are that way, too, consider buying a book or other multimedia reinforcement to complement your Pimsleur Japanese experience. Some options are listed in the Reviews section of this website.

Me Working Hard on Pimsleur Japanese
Me Working Hard on Pimsleur Japanese

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