
January 5, 2010 | Italian

Child Labor

I am tutored by children.

Over the past three days, I have had three Italian tutoring sessions, first with my niece Sophie, 7, and then with my nephews Charlie, 12, and Peter, 10. As I have mentioned previously, they are the children of Brandt’s sister and are…

January 6, 2010 | Italian

Fading Memories

I'm starting to forget Italian I learned just six weeks ago.

Besides some book-learning today (Italian grammar books, that is), I had some real-life Italian experiences as well: a brief conversation in the coffee shop, for one, plus I wrote an e-mail in Italian. Nothing too high-volume, but I love this…

January 8, 2010 | Italian

Back to Brighton Beach

On a cold, cold day, I take photos at the beach.

Today I went to Brighton Beach to take some pictures. It has been six months since I was last here. The beach in January does not much resemble the beach in July. A lot of subway studying of Italian was…

January 9, 2010 | Italian

More Grammar Books!

Bolstering the economy: I buy a new camera and more books for this project.

Today Brandt and I went to Best Buy to get a new camera to replace our old, somewhat broken camera (the thingie that goes over the lens won’t shut anymore). Our old camera was not big, but this one…

January 10, 2010 | Italian

Verbs, Verbs, Verbs

Fun with my new verb books.

Today I did some work in my new verb-focused grammar books. The beginning of each of the books is a little too easy for me at this point, but I am racing through them, and I think the reinforcement is…

January 11, 2010 | Italian

The Laundry-to-Learning Ratio

Dirty laundry increases in proportion to how hard I study.

I have finally begun getting requests for conversation partners from the board where I posted about two months ago, but I have not been responding to them. I feel guilty for ignoring these messages, but every response I compose takes…

January 12, 2010 | Italian

Queens, Polyglottal Borough

In Jackson Heights, I hear a gazillion languages.

Today, to get some pictures for the blog, I went to Jackson Heights, Queens, and found myself awash in languages. It was like the Tower of Babel, but positive. I photographed storefronts and signs with Korean, Bengali, Russian, Polish, Spanish,…

January 14, 2010 | Italian

Does Everyone Speak Italian?

Sometimes it seems as though everyone I encounter already speaks Italian. Who knew?

Today I had some trouble with irregular singular familiar imperative forms. And with coughing up that phrase for the preceding sentence. Also: yet another person I know speaks Italian! She is a college classmate of mine, whom I just came…

January 16, 2010 | Italian

Back to the Bronx

I return to the Bronx for a little more Little Italy.

I woke up, did some verb drills, then went to the Bronx to take more photos of Little Italy. I stopped by Mike’s Deli, which is where I handed out cheese and salami in November, and ended up talking…

January 22, 2010 | Italian

Grammar Addiction

Past conditional, compound reflexives, subjunctive, and other indulgences.

I woke up late today, because we had a party last night. I love planning and having parties again. For a long time, I didn’t. Once awake, I did hours of grammar work, still in my same verb book.…