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I love going to stores with food in other languages. This Jackson Heights establishment is full of unfamiliar foodstuffs and packaging, including giant piles of rice, way beyond what I would ever see in my own regular grocery haunts. Even…
The Ellis Island Immigration Museum is a must-visit place for anyone interested in American history. Almost 12 million immigrants came to the United States through Ellis Island, and I have read that nearly half of modern-day Americans are descended from them.…
Enter your zip code here to find Meetup groups near you focused on Russian conversation. In case you are unfamiliar with the Meetup phenomenon, there are Meetup groups for all kinds of interests, not just language. I personally am…
If you are a social-media holdout, I am not going to try to convince you that you should dive in now. There are, after all, pros and cons to being on Facebook. If you are already on Facebook,…
This project was founded by Angela Jackson, a business executive whose experiences living and working abroad highlighted for her the advantages multilingualism conferred on children overseas, in terms of both educational and professional opportunities. Bringing together language instructors, researchers, school…
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