
Hundreds of resources to help you teach yourself


A Caveat: The Learning Spanish Like Crazy Website Is Confusing

Spanish, Audio Lessons, Multimedia

I haven’t tried Learning Spanish Like Crazy, but one of my readers described it as “right up there with Pimsleur in my opinion, but focus[ing] on more informal Spanish than what’s in Pimsleur’s course.” My impression,…

Me, Asea in Rosetta Stone Greek and Other Technology!

3 Greek, Multimedia

Rosetta Stone Greek offers a colorful computer-based multimedia experience—images, text, listening, reading, speaking, etc. It is very pretty, and yet by the end of my Rosetta Stone experiences, I found myself disenchanted. The company has an immersion philosophy…

Once You Speak French, You Will Be Able to Use a Lot More of Assimil's Products for Other Languages

French, Books, Multimedia

Some people whose opinion I respect really like Assimil, a French company offering multimedia programs with different language bases. For example, there are English-based programs designed for English speakers learning other languages, and French-based programs designed for French speakers learning…

Me with My Rosetta Stone Headset

2-5 Spanish, Multimedia

Rosetta Stone is a sprawling multimedia language-learning product, one whose marketing has been so effective that it is the first thing most people hearing of this website ask me about. Although Rosetta Stone can be fun initially—in part…

Alif Baa, Second Edition, with Accompanying DVD

3 Arabic, Books, Multimedia, Websites

Alif Baa with Multimedia, which consists of a book and an accompanying DVD, is designed to help you learn the sounds and writing system of Arabic. Methods include print-based, audio, and video instruction. Before you read further:…

I Tried to Teach Myself with This, But Couldn't

2 Greek, Books, Multimedia

This Teach Yourself Greek book-CD combination is one of numerous offerings for different languages in the Teach Yourself series from McGraw-Hill. To date I have not found any book-CD combination products in this series that…

Read & Speak Japanese for Beginners: I Did Not Find This Book Usable

1 Japanese, Books, Multimedia

I found Read & Speak Japanese for Beginners by Helen Bagley just impossible given the challenges of the Japanese writing system. On principle, the books in this Read & Speak series—which are offered across multiple…

Read & Speak Korean for Beginners

2-5 Korean, Books, Multimedia

I barely used Read & Speak Korean for Beginners by Sunjeong Shin, but I am not a fan of this series, which offers similar books for multiple languages. Right on the cover of this Korean edition, it promises…

Read & Speak Greek for Beginners: Kind of Cute

3 Greek, Books, Multimedia

On the title page, this Read & Speak Greek for Beginners book/CD combo annoyingly promises to be “the easiest way to learn to communicate right away!” Ridiculous. But it’s cute for what it is. There are…