
Hundreds of resources to help you teach yourself More Than Flashcards!

5 Italian, Audio Lessons, Flashcards, Multimedia, Vocabulary, Websites, Kids

This website from the British-based company Antosch & Lin Languages offers Italian flashcards on steroids. And cheap, too! There is much to do here, so drive your browser on over and check it out. Unlike some other language-learning products with…

Italian: A Good Old-Fashioned Grammar Portrait

5 Italian, Books

I have generally adored the Essential Grammar series from Dover Publications, and this Italian one by Olga Ragusa is no exception. In just 111 pages and for only $5.95, this old-fashioned book (originally published in 1963) provides a petite yet oddly…

BarCharts Spanish Vocabulary Flashcards

3-5 Spanish, Flashcards, Vocabulary

I am picky about my flashcards. These Spanish vocabulary flashcards from BarCharts come in a box of 1,000. It’s a good number of flashcards, and if you buy them and learn them all, or even most of them, you…

I Was Not Drawn to This

2-5 Portuguese, Books, Multimedia

According to the cover of Beginning Portuguese with Two Audio CDs by Sue Tyson-Ward, this book is “ideal for travel to Portugal or Brazil.” The chapters have titles like “Town Amenities: At the Tourist Office,” “Ill Health: Precautions…

A Petite French Grammar with a Very High Grammar-to-Dollar Ratio

5 French, Books

This small old-fashioned French book has a high grammar density. It is not a workbook; it is a concise summary of the basic principles of French grammar, populated with numerous helpful examples. The cover promises that it is “All the…

A Focused Tome: Irish Nouns by Andrew Carnie

Irish, Books

If you care about Irish nouns, Irish Nouns: A Reference Guide is for you—and don’t be put off by the list price. Yes, it is a stunning $120, and for a normal-size hardcover at that,…

A Box from Berlitz, Full of Italian Vocabulary

4-5 Italian, Flashcards, Vocabulary

These Italian vocabulary study cards from Berlitz were a pleasant surprise. I liked the choice of words included; they are of general interest, varied, not too specialized.  Buy them and you will learn things like “lip” (il …

A Yiddish Vocabulary Test on Quizlet

3-5 General, Yiddish, Flashcards, Tests, Vocabulary, Websites, Kids

Yiddish is not the easiest language in the world for which to find free study materials online. So far, despite some drawbacks, Quizlet has been my favorite Yiddish-vocabulary-practice source and is something I keep finding myself playing around with in…

Foreign-Language Alphabets, Compiled by Dan X. Solo

4-5 General, Books

Foreign-Language Alphabets from Dover Publications will not teach you foreign languages, but it contains a cool collection of foreign-language fonts for a cool $19.95 price. I came across this book when I was scouring the Dover website for…