
Hundreds of resources to help you teach yourself

Italian Verb Drills: Second and Third Editions, Cuddling on Sofa

4 Italian, Books

I used Italian Verb Drills by Paola Nanni-Tate twice, in two different editions (the second and the third). The book delivers on its commitment to drill the hell out of you on verbs. Which is good, because Italian…

You Can Learn Languages Here

5 French, Italian, Spanish, Bookstores/Libraries, Kids

This Chelsea bookstore, which opened in 2008, radiates bibliophilia. You can buy books in French, Spanish, or Italian here, and also take classes at the store in any of those three languages. The owner, David Del Vecchio, previously worked at the…

Seen from Outside

3 Mandarin, Food and Drink

This place is on the coolest of old Chinatown streets, but it seems to me to be the victim of its own popularity. The last time I was there, the wait staff were the only Chinese people in the place,…

An Encouraging Cover for Beginners

3 Arabic, Books, Flashcards, Vocabulary

This book by Mahmoud Gaafar is one of a series of similarly titled books for various languages. The concept for the series comes from Jane Wightwick (who also wrote the Easy Arabic Grammar reviewed in this directory).

See Their Website for Upcoming Events

French, Museums/Cultural, Conferences/Lectures

Founded in 1959 and housed in a 19th-century red-brick carriage house, La Maison Française offers lectures, symposia, films, exhibits, and other French cultural events. It is described on its website as “the most active center of French-American cultural and intellectual…

Verb Tables!

4 Italian, Books

Teach Yourself Italian Verbs is a compact reference book consisting of verb tables: 200 different pages with 200 different verbs. Each page displays all the forms for a given verb, provides helpful examples of Italian usage, and lists various…

There Are So Many Spanish Meetup Groups in the U.S. You Can Hardly See the Map!

Spanish, Classes/Conversation, Social

Yeah, you could go to a Meetup group for Spanish. Alternatively, in various parts of the country, you could simply walk outside your building or down the block. Spanish is so common in New York that I guess I personally…

There Are More American Chinatowns Than Most People Realize

5 Mandarin, Books

In American Chinatown, author Bonnie Tsui examines the five most famous American Chinatowns—in San Francisco, New York, Los Angeles, Honolulu, and Las Vegas. Discussions of demographic trends are complemented by personal stories of people who live…

The Web That Has No Weaver: Good Bedtime Reading

3-5 Mandarin, Books, Sports/Fitness

The Web That Has No Weaver: Understanding Chinese Medicine by Ted Kaptchuk will not teach you Chinese, but it has Chinese words in it! I read it as part of my foray into Chinese culture. I am…