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Indian Restaurant Row

5 Hindi, Food and Drink, Neighborhoods

On East 6th Street between First and Second avenues are numerous Indian restaurants, sometimes referred to collectively as Indian Restaurant Row. When I first moved to New York in 1990, I ate here constantly: yummy, inexpensive food. The Indian languages spoken…

Sahil Sari Palace

Hindi, Neighborhoods

Little India in Jackson Heights offers many languages and a window into a culture that began far, far away.  Along 74th Street you can find Hindi and Bengali signs, sari-wearing women, store windows filled with elaborate gold jewelry, the…

East 116th Street and Luis Munoz Marin Boulevard

4 Spanish, Neighborhoods

This neighborhood covers a large swathe of Manhattan, from East 96th Street between Fifth Avenue and the East River up to 142nd Street. Among its diverse population are people with Puerto Rican, Mexican, and Dominican roots. El Museo del Barrio,…

Urban Art

5 Hebrew, Polish, Spanish, Neighborhoods

Spanish, Hebrew, and Polish—for starters—can be found in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. There are plenty of other languages floating around, but these three (excluding hipster language) are the ones I personally have seen the most of. I strongly recommend a…

A Flushing Street

5 Korean, Neighborhoods

Korean is certainly not the only language in Flushing, but it is well represented. Take the 7 train to the end of the line in Queens and you will see a ton of Korean. This neighborhood is home to a large…

On Second Avenue, Evidence of Little Germany Remains

4 German, Neighborhoods

In the 1870s, Little Germany, or Kleindeutschland, ranged from Division Street on its southern end (Division is just below Canal Street) to 14th Street on the north, and from the Bowery on the west to Avenue D on the east.…

3rd Street and Avenue C

4-5 Spanish, Neighborhoods

Loisaida Avenue is an alternative name for Avenue C between 14th Street and Houston. The name “Loisaida” is supposedly Spanglish for Lower East Side, but I haven’t been able to confirm that to my satisfaction. The area is heavily…

Flatbush Avenue

French, Neighborhoods

I went here one day looking for Haitian French. I found a lot of Creole. And maybe a few cuss words. It was fun to walk around, though, and one could certainly see the influence of French on business names…

Heidelberg Restaurant

German, Neighborhoods

After the General Slocum disaster of 1904, many Little Germany residents from the Lower East Side moved to Yorkville, on the Upper East Side. Although Yorkville’s precise boundaries may be in dispute (at least according to the quick…