Hundreds of resources to help you teach yourself
I love flashcards, and I love the design of these. For $9.95 you used to be able to get a thousand of these cards with Italian on one side and English on the other. And a cute box to house them,…
VocabuLearn is a pretty plain product. It consists of simple audio vocabulary lessons, where you are quizzed on your ability to translate English words and phrases into a foreign language and vice versa. You hear an English word, you…
VocabuLearn Russian, once published by Penton Overseas in CD format, is no longer offered through that company, but it may soon find a second life on the Internet, as VocabuLearn for a number of other languages has. VocabuLearn is a…
McGraw-Hill offers Practice Makes Perfect vocabulary books for multiple languages. I have found them odd in ways, with silly sentences providing awkward transitions between groups of thematically linked words. But I like them nonetheless, and I…
Now that my favorite SparkNotes flashcards are no longer being made, I am in search of a new flashcard love. In my quest, I recently tried out these German vocabulary cards from BarCharts. They are for sure useful, and they…
I haven’t used Practice Makes Perfect: Arabic Vocabulary by Jane Wightwick and Mahmoud Gaafar, because it wasn’t around when I was studying Arabic. I would certainly have tested it if it had been!
I love this SparkNotes product. It is a well-constructed box of 1,000 well-constructed Spanish vocabulary cards, and is the successor to another box of 1,000 cards, Spanish Vocabulary Study Cards, from the same company. Unfortunately, since using them, I have learned…
I am a huge fan of flashcards, and this box of 1,000 cards is great. You can take a handful in your purse on the subway or to your doctor’s office or wherever, or study while you are waiting in…
VocabuLearn Greek consists of a series of vocabulary audio lessons—very basic, pretty boring, but totally useful if you pay attention. It is no longer being published, as Penton Overseas ceased production of all VocabuLearn products during the global economic…
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