
Hundreds of resources to help you teach yourself


Facebook Page for Kung Fu Fest 2013

5 Arabic, Dutch, English, French, General, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Yiddish, Websites

If you are a social-media holdout, I am not going to try to convince you that you should dive in now. There are, after all, pros and cons to being on Facebook. If you are already on Facebook,…

This Is a Looooong List

General, Websites

In Wikipedia you can find a list of language academies, which are organizations that weigh in on what is and is not right and proper in a given language. They exist in Germany, France, the Netherlands, and many other countries—… Barter Your Language Skills

5 Arabic, Dutch, English, French, General, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Yiddish, Websites, Classes/Conversation

Even if you live in a remote area, you can use sites such as to find a Skype partner overseas and start speaking, say, Finnish or Xhosa. The web is a fabulous thing. Through this language-exchange community, you… You Can Go for French Radio, or Estonian, or Greek, or Portuguese, or Something Else Altogether!

5 Dutch, English, French, General, German, Greek, Irish, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, News, Radio/TV/Video/Film, Websites

A valuable resource for language learners, the website has a formidable collection of links to more than 4,000 European radio stations streaming live on the web in many languages. I have used to access German and French…

Google Translate: I Use This, a Lot

5 Arabic, Dutch, English, French, General, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Yiddish, Dictionaries, Websites

Need to translate Welsh to Bengali? Well, this is your site. Google Translate provides instant translations among 70-something different languages. l use it all the time. As with any electronic translator, the translations are in many cases far from… A Reader Told Me About This

French, General, Italian, Spanish, Dictionaries, Websites

The site offers online language dictionaries. Try English to German (and vice versa), Portuguese to Spanish (and vice versa), English to Polish, and so on. Or you can get a list of Italian conjugations, where you type…

A High Information Density Here

5 Arabic, Dutch, English, French, General, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Yiddish, Websites

This encyclopedia of writing systems and languages is a longtime labor of love of Simon Ager, an Englishman who now lives in Wales. He started the site way back in the Internet dark ages of 1998. Omniglot contains information on…

They Have a Lovely Website

General, Websites, Bookstores/Libraries

This non-profit publisher at the University of Rochester is dedicated to fixing a persistent imbalance: writing in English gets translated and shipped all over the world, but only three percent of the books published in the U.S. are works…

This Organization Is More Than 125 Years Old

General, Websites, Organizations

Established in 1886 in Paris, the International Phonetic Association (IPA) seeks “to promote the scientific study of phonetics and the various practical applications of that science.”  Compulsive language learners will inevitably come across the organization’s International Phonetic Alphabet,…