
Hundreds of resources to help you teach yourself

Polish Verbs and Grammar Essentials with Latte

4-5 Polish, Books

This oddly titled book by Oscar E. Swan is thorough, well-written, and smart. I say oddly titled because, despite the appearance of the word “Verbs” in quite large letters on its cover, the book in fact begins with a chapter…

McGraw-Hill's Italian Verb Tenses: Needs Editing, But I Really Like This One

4-5 Italian, Books

You need to bring a little pre-existing knowledge of Italian grammar and vocabulary to Practice Makes Perfect: Italian Verb Tenses by Paola Nanni-Tate, but if you do, you should be fine. I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Ms.…

Lightweight and Highly Portable Practice in the Spanish Past Tense

3 Spanish, Books

A slim little volume, Practice Makes Perfect: Spanish Past-Tense Verbs Up Close is part of the gargantuan Practice Makes Perfect series from McGraw-Hill. Book weight matters when you are walking around a lot! This…

A History of the Polish Americans: I Like the Cover Photo

Polish, Books

A History of the Polish Americans chronicles the Polish experience in the United States and examines what it means to be a hyphenated American grappling with the dueling forces of assimilation and cultural heritage. In 2005, writes the…

Facebook Page for Kung Fu Fest 2013

5 Arabic, Dutch, English, French, General, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Yiddish, Websites

If you are a social-media holdout, I am not going to try to convince you that you should dive in now. There are, after all, pros and cons to being on Facebook. If you are already on Facebook,…

The Hindi Section of LanguageReef

Hindi, Websites, Kids

The LanguageReef website offers resources to help Indian emigrants teach their children the alphabets and scripts of Hindi and other Indian languages. Its home page begins quite movingly: You are out of your country. You want to teach your children…

This Is a Looooong List

General, Websites

In Wikipedia you can find a list of language academies, which are organizations that weigh in on what is and is not right and proper in a given language. They exist in Germany, France, the Netherlands, and many other countries—…

Quiz on

Arabic, Tests

Below are some Arabic quizzes on which you can try your luck. Except for the first one, which relies exclusively on Arabic script, the others offer romanizations. …

Picking a French Movie to Watch

5 Arabic, Dutch, English, French, General, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Yiddish, Radio/TV/Video/Film

I no longer have Time Warner Cable, but in the early days of this project, I found it very useful for language-learning purposes, and I would imagine other cable or satellite or fiber-optic service providers would offer similar or perhaps…